As the days grow longer and the afternoons become hotter, our minds wander to crystal clear waters and sunny beaches, eagerly awaiting summer and vacation. However, with temperatures rising every year, the sun may not be as innocent as it seems.

While this radiant star gives us vitamin D and a glowing smile, we must not forget that despite its brilliance, it has a dark side. With the ozone layer thinning and temperatures rising, the risk of skin problems, from mild redness and sunburns to more serious conditions like melanoma and skin cancer, is more real than ever.

It's important to know that the sun doesn't discriminate: whether you're lounging on a deckchair in Santorini or taking a stroll through the charming streets of Athens, protection is key. Sunscreen is no longer just an addition to our beach bag but essential equipment for any sun outing. By choosing the right sunscreen with the appropriate SPF for our skin type, we can enjoy the sunshine without fear.

And what happens when the pursuit of the perfect tan clashes with the logic of protection? We don't need to jeopardize our health to achieve the desired color. The solution comes in the form of self-tanning products, which offer a natural and uniform result without the risks of sun exposure. There's certainly a self-tanning product for everyone, leaving the skin glowing safely and healthily.

In short, embrace summer and carefree days at the beach, but don't forget to take care of yourself. The sun may give us unforgettable moments, but it's our health that will allow us to fully experience them!
