This month, we highlight the impressive journey of Georgia Zafeiri and her creation, Lucy's Spa Grooming. With the "Women Support Women" campaign, we aim to showcase stories of women who have dared to pursue their dreams and secure their place in the business world. Georgia embodies a vivid example of how a love for innovation and relentless effort can lead to a dynamic and successful business venture.

We would love to hear your personal story!
What made you decide to start your own business? Was it a childhood dream or a sudden idea?

The driving force behind starting the business was Lucy, my dog. When I met her, I had no experience with pets; she was the first to make me feel this love and I decided that this was something that would make me happy. Caring for these little creatures makes you a better person.

Can you tell us a bit about your company? What are its core values?

Our business is based on the love and care we must provide to our little friends to make them and their owners happy. Patience, love, and attention, I believe, fully represent us.

What challenges have you encountered as a woman owning her own business and how did you overcome them? Is there a specific story you would like to share?

I would not like to refer to a specific event, but as a younger woman, especially in this field, you need to have a strong stomach and patience to face the challenges of the profession. Unfortunately, thoughts about whether a woman can do such a job in a male-dominated space still exist.

Is there a moment in your career that made you very proud?

I felt very proud recently when I received good news about a dog whose life I saved. As her groomer, shaving her every 2 months, I noticed a tumor that was not previously there. Her owner was immediately informed, and they proceeded with her treatment. They recently told me that if I had not informed them, they would not have realized it and would have lost her in a month. I will never forget their thank you. I feel proud that I was able to give hope to this creature's family.

What advice would you give to women who want to start their own business?

I would tell all women to do what they dream of, and the recipe for success is a love for the subject.

Finally, we would like to know what the phrase “women support women,” the title of this year's campaign, means to you?

For me, support among women is very important because there needs to be mutual respect. It's very beautiful for the feelings between two or more women to be positive without harboring jealousy and envy.

As we close the chapter on Georgia Zafeiri and Lucy's Spa Grooming, the importance of mutual support and collaboration in our community becomes evident. The "Women Support Women" campaign emphasizes the value of unity and collective effort for progress and development. Georgia's journey serves not only as a model of business success but also reflects the importance of inner strength and self-esteem. We hope her story serves as motivation for other women to pursue their own ambitions, face challenges with determination, and carve their own unique path to success.

To learn more about Georgia Zafeiri's Lucy's Spa Grooming, we invite you to follow her on Instagram here.

We look forward to introducing you to the next successful entrepreneur and her story in our next publication.
