Let's do the THINKIN

At NO THINKIN, we have been concerned this past year more than ever about social, economic, and environmental issues. We intend to try and build voluntarism, social, and environmental factors in our company and at the same time, we want to improve our interaction with everyone interested in that matter. On account of this, we do an in-depth research on timeliness subjects that worry us.

As we closely watched the latest updates on the Corona Virus pandemic and right after, the blowup of the Black Lives Matter movement, it was almost impossible not to get influenced by this chain of events. Our research is more intensive now and we aim to communicate with you important facts as well as provide information. At the same time, we work to gradually turn NO THINKIN into an more ethical and environmentally conscious brand.

The social and environmental factors that are mentioned are just an introduction to a chapter that NO THINKIN has the intention to start. In other words, it is going to be an open conversation between us, and we are going to discuss subjects that are currently happening. Your contribution to this new assay is as important. It will be really helpful if you share your own opinion as well as suggest subjects for further research.

What about plastic?

The biggest portion from the surface on our planet is covered by plastic, which means that not only animals are harmed but also the human race. Plastics made from fossil fuels can maintain for over a century-long without being biodegradable. Plastic was established as a construction material after the Word War II because many new machines were created by plastic. It was also used for medical reasons. As the years went by, more and more of the human needs were based on plastic and that is how the material’s adverse side started to uncover.

It is important to know that 8 million tons of plastic waste escape into the ocean which means that the wetland creatures are highly threatened. Through the sea and the rivers, trash is carried easily into other oceans. Almost every aquatic animal is consuming plastic piece while more than 700 genres of animals have extinguished or are endangered. (Parker,2019)


However, not only animals are the ones who consume plastic daily. With the effect of sun, water, and waves the material is separated into smaller fibers, Microplastics can transfer into humans through water or air. Recent research has shown that a person is consuming 39.000 to 52.000 alloy from plastic while he/she breathes 74.000 pieces of it (Gibbens, 2019). Some consumable products we use in our everyday life and they may contain plastic are salt and beer.



Eco wise packaging

Considering everything, our first drop of change came into our hands while quarantining. Our company chooses to use only recycled and biodegrade materials for the items that will accompany our products. Our NO THINKIN packaging now is 100% biodegradable and made from recycled materials as well as the paper elements that interface our pieces. It is important to mention at this point that the fashion industry has been claimed on being the second biggest source of pollution worldwide after the oil industry.

On top of our packaging appear the following symbols:



Our online shopping packaging

This material is made out of 80% recycled elements. It has 4 as a recycled level which means that it will slowly biodegrade so it is recommended to be thrown at a recycle bin. (Hermes,2017)


Degralen-L 100%


Our clothing packaging

They are bags that are decomposable in the environment and they need 12 to 24 months to do this process.For this reason it is suggested to be thrown at recycle bins.This material is produced via Epi Environmental Plastic Cops.This is a revolutionary fund at the acid biodegradable area.Deglaren-L has correnspondingly natural qualities as LDPE and HPDE.

The material of the paper we’ve chosen to use, have the following certifications:



Bleach while mixed with other fuels creates carcinogenic dioxin that is thrown onto the rivers where it can destroy the food chain. The products with the ECF symbol are using ozone, oxygen, and peroxide to color the papers. This reduces massively the air and water pollution (ocshredding.com, 2013).


This nonprofit organization is the authority for good handling of forests. FSC Certificate is given only at the woodlands that meet the conditions based on environmental, social, and economical factors.



This symbol guarantees that the products are not easily blazed while it is made out of sterilized products.



Food for thought

The UN environment chief, Inger Andersen, mentions that nature gave a signal to the human enterprise with the Covid-19 outbreak ( Carrington. 2020). The environmental crises is a phenomenon that should concern all of us and in many cases, we already live through its consequences. While we love to enjoy our

holidays at beautiful places and wear our favorite pieces of clothing while eating delicious food, it is as important to know the fallouts that those small, everyday choices of us can have into the environment that we all live in.




Written by Stratoula Nasioula