Oh NO!!! Another one writes about body positivity, self-acceptance, and confidence. It’s such a trend lately… Let us guess how it goes: Every Body is beautiful! Love your curves and all your edges, all your perfect imperfections (Thanks John Legend)! You are sexy and you know It! 

The truth is though that you don’t know it. Even if a celebrity, a model or influencer posts it online, you and I will agree to it but still not believe it more than a brief moment. That is because we probably belong to the 93% of people that are unhappy with their body and struggle to embrace it. If you belong to the 7%: Congratulations! You’ve made it this far. You are a true legend! What’s your superpower?

Why should it be a superpower to embrace and love your human body?

Let’s think:

How many of you considered “Oh my god, you lost so much weight. You look so beautiful/handsome!” a compliment and answered smiling “Oh no what are you talking about, I haven’t lost a kg. I’ve been eating so much lately!” when you probably don’t even remember when was the last time you ate.

How many of you recently heard phrases like: “She is a stick figure. She has no boobs or bum. She looks like a child!”, “I don’t find fat people attractive”, “He/she is thin but not (gym)fit”.

In case you haven’t experienced any of the symptoms above, I am sorry to break this in you but the #Body_Shaming virus is still going around in this chronic-deceased society of stereotypical beauty standards. And be sure that it does not discriminate between age, gender, or sexuality.

Only in the past 10 years, we’ve gone from painstakingly hiding our curves under oversized T-shirts to celebrating a big booty and working for these “gains” at the gym. All it takes is one snobbish casting director to decide your fashion moment is “now” or “over”. Although like most of you I’m sure, I don’t believe that body parts should be seen as fashionable or unfashionable commodities, I know that part of the reason I’ve become more accepting of my own body shape is because it’s become societally desirable. Representation through the media and fashion industry plays an important role in our sense of self-worth and identity. All minorities deserve to see positive depictions of themselves to boost their confidence and ease their mental suffering.

But confidence does not erase insecurities

I found a lot of creative posts when searching on Instagram for some inspiration such as: ”The best weight to lose is other people’s opinion of you” “My body isn’t flawed, your THINKIN is”. But the only one I could really relate to was this:

On the days that you sit in front of the mirror struggling to find something positive about your image, you do not have to deal with society or other people’s opinion. You only have to face your insecurities and your own THINKIN. It is OKAY to not be confident and positive all the time. It is also OKAY if you sometimes that your body is an enemy rather than a friend. Your relationship with it is constantly full of inner turmoil and systemic challenge. As it happens with one’s personality, you need to experience different versions of your body first to discover which version represents you best. But please remember, a changing body is a living and coping body! (Thanks for listening to my TED Talk hihihi, let’s continue….)

Where does NO THINKIN stand in this?

In NO THINKIN, we are a 90s inspired, powerful Greek brand offering premium quality clothing for the badass women of this world! Hold on a minute… Did you just say 90s inspired? You mean the “heroin chic” era, when the main beauty ideal was chesty but slender and pear-shaped was a negative word? Sending out the message that "only skinny girls are beautiful"

-No. We mean the 90s as the decade, which opened the door to a more relaxed and playful form of beauty and a new type of woman. But in the time we live in now there is not one new type of woman. We are not here to put any woman in any categorization or type. That is the reason why in our new collection of clothing that we launched at the beginning of the month, you will see models and influencers of different sizes representing our brand.

You are not made to fit into clothes. Our clothes are made to fit You!

As part of an industry reproducing racism “by virtue of bodily exclusion”, we can only try to challenge our definitions of beauty and try to change the hearts of the people that consume. We are not able to liberate you from all your insecurities. But we will be there to support you when you decide that you want to OWN YOUR CONFIDENCE in your vintage-inspired jeans!

